
Why it Matters: This algorithm is used by the State Department of Treasury in some states to calculate Fund Balance as a Percent of Unrestricted Revenues. Fund Balance is General Fund only and Major Class = 7xx. Revenues is calculated as General Fund only and Major Class = 1xx (local), 2xx (other), 311, 316, 318 (state unrestricted), 411, 412, 416, 418, 419 (federal unrestricted), 51x and 52x (other districts). The trigger for this metric is 5%. (n108) (o161)

Data Source: The school district financial data comes from two sources. Historic data is provided by downloads from the State Department of Education. Future data is loaded by the respective school district financial department. (n040)

Fund Balance as a Percent of Unrestricted Revenues for Hazel Park School District

District Code