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Why it Matters: It can be argued that there is a correlation between enrollment loss and fiscal health. Enrollment loss can be caused by many factors (economy, demographics, migration, etc.,) and thus changes the amount of revenue provided by the state from their allocation of Foundation Allowance (FA). This Enrollment indicator measures enrollment change. School Districts can manage a trivial loss in enrollment. If a district lost enrollment more than -2.7%, then it scores a 1, otherwise it is assigned a 0. A chronic trend in enrollment declines is a sign of fiscal distress. For this reason, the indicator score is based on three years of enrollment change. (n050) (o97)

Data Source: The school district financial data comes from two sources. Historic data is provided by downloads from the State Department of Education. Future data is loaded by the respective school district financial department. (n040)
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Enrollment Numbers Per Year for

District Name