
Why it Matters: This indicator assesses the size of a local unit's ability to fund its operating expenditures. If a community's revenue generating capability decreases (lower Taxable Value) and does not adjust the expenditure to revenue ratio, fiscal stress can ensue if this imbalance continues. This indicator has no time lag and deals solely with data from within the same year. To compute this variable, general fund expenditures are divided by taxable value. This is the only variable for which separate standards are used. A standard of 5% is used for cities and villages and 1% for townships and counties. Units with ratios above the standard receive a 1 and those below score a 0. (n004) (o314)

Data Source: The historical data presented has been loaded from information provided by the US Census Bureau or by the State Treasurer or Comptroller's office. Current and future year data has been entered by the municipality based on current budget and forecast information, or by Munetrix from available audited or budget information found in the public domain or provided by the jurisdiction itself. (n032)
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An issue occurred while fetching data - municipal-peer-fund-expenditures-percent. Contact Munetrix if this error persists.
An issue occurred while fetching data - municipal-peer-fund-expenditures-percent. Contact Munetrix if this error persists.

General Fund Expenditure as % of Taxable Value

Peer Group